Hello, When attempting to transfer your earning, you have the option to either put it as an Amazon gift card balance or Bank account. For the Bank account option, it says that "This option is currently not available to you" and pressing on more info says that you have to be eligible to use. My question is how does one become eligible? I ask Amazon about this and they didn't say anything but tell me that I wasn't eligible. Do I have to get a certain amount of HITs or amount of money earned? Or is it random when Amazon feels like adding you? There was a blog post from them I believe from 2018 (?) said that 23 countries will be allowed to use it through Hyperwallet. As a Canadian, it did say that Canada was one of the 23.
This. 2019 Unfortunately, you're stuck ordering stuff from amazon.com (which can't be done at the moment, no amazon seller is sending stuff across the border atm due to the pandemic) or sell gift cards online.
Well, they're not gonna tell you to go sell their gift cards at a discount to someone else, that's for sure. You can try your hands on r/giftcardexchange . There are other sites (like purse.io) but they are usually more risky (amazon doesn't like you selling your balance to people). And they aren't gonna tell you "We have a hat with worker IDs in them and we pull 20names/year to see who can have access to their money!" either.