How to increase response rate for a followup survey?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by DrugPolicyPiggy, Sep 6, 2020.

  1. DrugPolicyPiggy

    DrugPolicyPiggy New Turker

    Hello everyone!

    I recently uploaded a follow-up survey and restricted the survey to the same 500 Amazon MTurk workers who completed my first survey. I posted my survey last Monday (8/31/2020), and I have only received 244 responses after 1 week. I'm hoping for a much higher response rate than this. Can anyone please tell me any strategies on how to increase the response rate for my follow-up survey? Any help or advice is appreciated!
  2. A6_Foul_Out

    A6_Foul_Out Organic Meme Panda TurkerView Masters

    requester or hit name?

    found it
    • WOW WOW x 1
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  3. A6_Foul_Out

    A6_Foul_Out Organic Meme Panda TurkerView Masters

    did you send out emails?
    • WOW WOW x 1
  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    1. Republish the study, the one from the 5th is already showing as expired
      1. If you have your setup so it's hidden to those not qualified, you can kinda "craigslist/ebay" it and continue to republish over & over to catch people's attention. Only do this if you have it hidden to unqualified workers though.
    2. Email workers. It looks like you're using turkprime which will give you a UI to do this so it should be easy - only email people who haven't actually taken the followup
    3. Make the followup worth more than the original survey (might have needed to plan ahead on this one depending on budget), if you do this retroactively you should bonus the workers who have already done the followup.
    I'd probably wait until Tuesday to start emailing folks. It's a holiday weekend and a lot of workers wont be around until after.

    Just curious but did you ever send out an email / take any additional steps beyond just publishing the followup twice so far?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. DrugPolicyPiggy

    DrugPolicyPiggy New Turker

    I don't believe I have access to turkprime, so I wasn't able to email my workers to notify them of the follow-up survey. I read somewhere that re-uploading the survey and making a new qualification will email participants automatically. However, I'm still not getting that much of a good response rate.

    I'll check back with my team about rewarding bonuses to the workers. If you have any other suggestions on how to notify the workers, please let me know!
  6. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Oh I was looking at the wrong requester account's hits lol.

    You can contact workers natively using this:

    But it requires a bit of programming knowledge. If y'all don't have someone who can whip it together feel free to shoot me a DM and I can connect you to the CLI with some premade resources that might help. Would just need CSVs of the original & already completed followups, but it's not too difficult to work with if anyone on the team has some programming experience. AWS has SDK's for most major languages too you can just download and get going.
    Where did you read this? Its 100% wrong so if its a resource here I'd like to remove it lol.
    • Love Love x 1
  7. DrugPolicyPiggy

    DrugPolicyPiggy New Turker

    I read the part about "a new qualification will email participants automatically" somehwere on Quora. I can't relocate the link, but I'll be sure to send it your way if I find it again.
  8. billy

    billy Active Turker

    Probably late for this but a new qualification will not email workers. On a very rare occasion years ago it might send them a notification, but now it never does. The only way to send messages without using the API is to send a penny bonus to each individual worker which is a huge hassle.

    A part two study published the second day after the first part should have gotten in the 95% and above return rate if you sent emails.