Issue where workers and requester see different assignment status?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by A Wang, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. A Wang

    A Wang New Turker


    I'm an experiencing an issue where from my view (as a requester), I see some assignments as Approved, but the workers are telling me that they see the assignments as Rejected. I'm using the AWS/MTurk API (via Boto3), and previous (automatically) rejected the work, but would like to overturn the rejection and approve the work. But, when I try to approve, the server tells me that the assignments are already approved. Has anyone experienced this before? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Have you tried logging into the web UI and seeing what that displays for the assignments? Usually the API is more reliable but

    You'll want to check the customize view & filter results settings when you load the details for the batch project. Downloading the CSV can also work but the columns are a mess for large projects.

    FWIW, Amazon's requester support can always manually overturn rejections for you if it's too much of a hassle.
  3. A Wang

    A Wang New Turker

    Hi Chris, glad to hear from you! I created the HITs with the API, but as far as I know, HITs created with the API don't show up on the web interface :(

    I've reached out to requester support and hope to hear from them soon. Are they pretty quick to get back to people?
  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Wow TIL, actually never noticed that lol. And yeah, in that case support is likely to just be the simpler option but they can take 2-3 business days to get back to you and, from what I've heard, occasionally miss messages (I imagine they get a lot of inquiries) so if it takes longer than that following up is a good idea.
  5. billy

    billy Active Turker

    The worker interface does not update instantly when a rejection is overturned but your requester account balance does. The easiest way to confirm that the rejection was overturned using the API is to look at your account balance. If the payment for the hit was removed, the rejection was overturned and it will update on the worker side eventually.