So ive been losing (review) points about once or twice a week. I thought maybe I was imagining it, a glitch or whatever. But I saw what was happening real time today. I'm sure there's some people who edit a review and completely change the content. But I never have, I correct typos or may add one small thing I forgot. Well that's where I've been losing my points i'm pretty sure. Helpful votes seem to happen quickly or not at all, i'm guessing because they're posted in the real time DHT. So if i edit my review even moments later, there's already a helpful review & then it's taken away because of a typo I fixed. I would presume the vast majority of people that edit a review aren't completely overhauling the content &/or overall mood of the review, in those instances I can understand the helpful vote being taken away because it's no longer the same review. Anyway, am I right about this or part right? If so, any solution like a character minimum change required before taking away helpful review? Or perhaps a minimum time threshold like 24 hours to edit, after that edits will take helpful reviews away? I apologize if someone has already Grinched about this hahahah.
I'm wondering why it matters that much? It doesn't affect how much money you can make, or you ability to use TV in any way.
TV points are love, TV points are life. Do not question those who love their TV points, for I love them :throwrock: BTW @PatrickBatman I actually tracked this down & it has to do w/ the way approval time used to be edited in reviews.. it still gives points occasionally by mistake but not when the script updates it itself.. so sometimes when you edit it'll retract those points. I just upgraded the last of the old review API this afternoon (removing an old endpoint) so now that all incoming data is all on the same point I'll be able to fix this
It may sound trivial, but the points to me are an incentive to do reviews, i'm helping people & these points theoretically tell me how much im helping, i know it's sounds stupid, but when I left reviews for TO i didnt feel I was actually doing anything, there was no "helpful or like" buttons, points or anything. So I didnt know if my reviews there were helping people or not, I try not to be greedy capitalist all the time. (I also think the points/helpful reviews will be more attractive to other potential reviewers than nothing like this, cough TO. If you dont use the reviews fine, but if you do use reviews to make money then dont insinuate reviewers, reviews or points are trivial.)