Script Tutorial Anyone?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Support' started by Ijohnna4, May 24, 2017.

  1. Ijohnna4

    Ijohnna4 New Turker

    Hey everyone, I have been "turking" for about a month now and I am learning as I go. One thing I am interested in learning about is this thing called "scripting" to find hits good for me. Can someone do a tutorial on scripting? I'm clueless. So far my best earnings week has been $20. I am doing approximately 16-20 hours per week. I'd really like to get the earnings up to $100 or $200 per week, if not more. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated!
  2. momster23

    momster23 Turker

    I have been missing for a while, but, I would suggest you read everything on this board. Take notes that make sense to you and if you have a specific question about how something works, post it. That is what I have been doing. People here out of the kindness of their hearts share their info and help everyone out. By telling us how to do things, it takes $$$ out of their pocket, so, please, read everything you can here and take notes and ask specific questions. I am starting fresh again, as I have been off the boards and mturk for a while. Good luck to you (and me too). If I can answer any of your questions, I would in a second.
  3. Totally Not Salem

    Totally Not Salem Survey Slinger

    @Ethraiel recorded a short video course on this that nobody sees anymore because it's no longer on the front page of the subforum:

    In my opinion, it's more geared to helping people who are familiar with HTML/CSS/JS transfer some of those skills to mTurk, but your mileage may vary. He posted some links alongside the video with some lessons on the core topic.

    I'm hard at work putting together an in-depth commercial course for writing mTurk scripts, but making something professional takes quite a bit of time. My personal recommendations are Colt Steele's Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy and freeCodeCamp to practice what you learn.
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