View API Details

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ChrisTurk, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Calexit

    Calexit Well-Known Turker

    So does that entitle me to a new badge...just asking?
    • LOL LOL x 2
  2. youngdeadhead

    youngdeadhead New Turker

    So im confused we wont be able to use TV anymore unless we pay for it?
  3. youngdeadhead

    youngdeadhead New Turker

    when I can only make like 40 dollars a month on mturk paying to use your script doesn't work for me, there arent' enough hits up and the ones I can do don't pay much at all. Im sorry but I cant pay for your script its not worth it. I also remember doing plenty of reviews but none apparently showed up on my account, thanks I guess for letting me use it before you started charging.
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  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Inside things like scrapers/etc on MTurk yes. You'll still be able to access the website same as it is right now.
    Totally understandable! Sorry for the inconvenience, its just not feasible to continue running the servers/maintenance/development/etc completely free anymore :(

    The website will always serve up the same data, so for the handful of HITs you do complete it shouldn't be too difficult to grab data from the page itself & if there's anything you see that could be improved there I'm happy to look into it.
    • Love Love x 1
  5. PatrickBatman

    PatrickBatman Turker

    Hello, Hitforker informed me today of this. I did it. I wonder what you meant by "& is also extended to a # of community members who have contributed their time/expertise elsewhere." Mturk community AND TV community? Because I was using TO1 and got used to it before i was aware of TV. Anyway I submitted at least 200 reviews there, had commenting privileges. Never got into any turk politics as i didnt care. When I thought they were shutting down (and even before) I was going to check out TV. Already I'm happy with how much faster TV loads all around, especially in Hitforker. Hopefully HF adds a min TV $ filter, since min TO filter is pointless basically due to server load. I've already left 2 reviews here and a few Return warnings.:)
  6. youngdeadhead

    youngdeadhead New Turker

    well the reviews don't work unless I do a return and review, no way to leave a review it just takes me to a page and asks me to install the script I already have installed. And I don't believe we are getting this service for free before, your getting data from all of us in order to make this possible. I left probably a hundred or so reviews on turkopticon and would have done so here if it worked. Ive done almost 12k hits and if you don't want to continue to get my data I understand.

    If I could make several hundred a month off of mturk I would pay to continue to see reviews and see if the requesters are scammers or not but sadly amazon drove away tons of work by charging 40% on whatever the requesters pay us. But sadly I can stay on the computer all day and be lucky to make 5 dollars, there just isn't enough work.
  7. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    This should be available now, thanks for recommending it a few others asked for it as well :)
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 2
  8. MillennialTurk

    MillennialTurk Active Turker

    Forgive me if I am incorrect when saying this, but it seems like you are pretty new on Mturk. If you only make $40 a month on mturk it must be because you either work less than 30 minutes a day working hits and then doing penny hits when you do, or nobody has shown you how to utilize all the tools on mturk, or you are completely brand new (mturking less than 1-2 months) and you don't know what all is available. If you are fairly new I suggest doing as many hits as you can each day and get your number of approved hits up. When you get passed 100 approved hits and then 1000 approved hits you will see a big jump in the amount of hits you qualify for and are available for you to work on. Many requesters (The people you are doing work for) use this minimum qualification so that they are getting better quality responses from more experienced Mturkers. These minimums won't take very long to achieve if you are spending at least 1 maybe 2 hours per day actively doing doing hits on mturk. After 100 and especially 1000 approved hits there is no reason you shouldn't be making at least $10 a day working just 1 or 2 hours while utilizing the data from TurkerView along with using Hit scrapers like MTS or HitForker.

    Also do you have MTurk Suite (MTS) installed? If not I suggest looking into getting that or HitForker and learning how to use these tools along with TurkerView. This will help you find and catch more hits you qualify for which in turn will make you more money for your time. Pay attention to the ratings on TurkerView. You should see them on your hits in your queue.

    So how do you make more money for your time? #1 rule, USE TURKERVIEW TO YOUR ADVANTAGE lol. If a hit that has been reviewed on Turkerview that pays something horrible like $5.00 per hour or less. Don't bother wasting your time on these. That is exactly what TV is mainly for to warn you that the hits pay is crappy and how long they take to approve.reject your work. Throw it back and do something else if it pays less than $5.00. For example if you have accepted a hit that pays $0.25 and is rated at $2 per hour and you still go ahead and do it. It would take you about 8 minutes to do. As you were working on that 8 minute hit that is only going to pay you $0.25 you probably missed a hit that paid $0.50 and rated $10/hr on TV and would have took you 3 minutes to do. Always pay attention to the reviews. This will help you make more money. You can also have more than one hit in your hit queue. So you can accept a handful of different ones, go through the TV ratings, throw back the bad apples and do the hits that pay well. This is helpful if you aren't spending very much time on them. And if you are over 100 approved. STOP doing the penny hits! Wasting time making $0.01 - $0.05 for 5 minutes of work or more is wasting your time. Use TV reviews and do the bigger hits that pay $0.25, $0.35, $0.50, $1.00, $2.00 and up. I make about $20-$40 a DAY working 2-4 hours a day on my spare time doing hits. All I use is MTS and TurkerView.

    Hope that helps you out.
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  9. MillennialTurk

    MillennialTurk Active Turker

    It seems like you are not using Turker View properly. What you are actually doing is just submitting the Return Reviews. Those are not the reviews you see on the ratings. These are the reviews you see with the little Red Warning Exclamation point you see on individual hits. You are not actually submitting any hit reviews for your hits you completed. Chris put together a little overview training video on how to use TurkerView. I think this will help you understand better. I posted the link below. Click on the link and go over this video to make sure you are using TurkerView correctly and I'm 100% certain it will clear up any confusion you have. We all had to learn how to use it properly so don't feel bad. This video will show you how to make reviews on TurkerView for the hits you complete and show you how to use the timer correctly among other things.

    You are correct that we all are in fact contributing and sharing data together helping each other make more money. However, for every piece of data we submit, that is data that has to be stored somewhere. The more people that sign up the more bandwidth and storage is needed for this data and service. Nothing is ever free. Storage costs money. Bandwidth and servers costs money. The website domain costs money. Hosting for the domain costs money. The forum costs money. Keep in mind Chris Turk also spent a lot of time to create TurkerView for free and then spends lots of time everyday to upkeep Turkerview and respond to everyone's messages and spends lots of time constantly tweaking features and upgrading and fixing any errors or bugs to make TV better all 7 days of the week. Mind you he has no staff to help him and its paying him $0. He has been covering all the expenses out of his own pockets (aside the few donations he has gotten). This was easily costing him Hundreds if not Thousands of dollars to keep up and 95% of it was coming out of his own pocket. If we continued forward eventually Turker View would have become to expensive and time consuming to keep online for free. Without making changes TV would have eventually become unsustainable in the future. That is the reason he had to start charging a small fee. To help keep this thing rolling. The only alternative was TV would eventually cease to exist all together in the near future. Hope you better understand. :)
    • Love Love x 1
  10. MillennialTurk

    MillennialTurk Active Turker

    Wow, sorry but just noticed you said you have done 12K hits. Ignore the comments about you being new. You have 12K approved hits on Mturk and yet you only make $40 a month??? You can't even make $5 a day? Even if you work all day long??? You certainly are doing something wrong. I just made $2 in between responding to your comments (took me less than 10 minutes) and I only have 5K approved myself with no special qualifications. All I use is TV and MTS. That's very odd. What kind of hits are you doing that only pays you $5 a day working all day long? That's insanity if you don't mind me saying. There is tons of work. We need to help you find it. $5 a day all day long is outrageous. IMO I think you are greatly exaggerating things and blowing it out of proportion, but I could be wrong. We can help you make 10Xs more than that at the very least if you need help. Reach out to any of us in the forum and we will guide you to way better money than that.
    • Love Love x 1
  11. rsmath

    rsmath Survey Slinger

    ok, I'm confused about something. I thought the API page said February would be free for everyone and then the charges start in March at $4.99/month (if you commit to a single month subscription by Feb 7th).

    I decided I would try a monthly commitment at $4.99/month to save a few bucks per month if I decide to continue the API past February so I set up the Paypal subscription thing. I was charged $4.99 for February and my next payment is due Feb 28th for March through the Paypal subscription interface.

    I don't see where my free month is unless the February payment is going to be refunded and then the subscription charging starting Feb 28th for each subsequent month at $4.99/month since I'm an early committer.
  12. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    This may be the result of poor writing on my part. The lowered price was mostly aimed at folks who had already been throwing $5-10/mo at the site on our previous donation model & knew they were going to end up continuing doing so regardless of the free trial.

    Those folks wouldn't be getting the free month trial (but would end up saving more than a month's worth of cost anyway over time).

    I'll send you a DM in a moment with a fix & look into cleaning up the wording on the site, thanks for letting me know its not all that clear :flail:
  13. Heat Mixer

    Heat Mixer Survey Slinger

    @ChrisTurk I see this when I am on Mturk - I have already registered and claimed my free key.

  14. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    This is from MTS' update, if you go to the options page in MTS (click on the MTS icon in the top right corner of Chrome -> Options) you'll be able to input your key there & you'll be good to go and shouldn't be nagged any further by TV :) That was the last script that needed it I believe!
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  15. Dawnia

    Dawnia Turker

    I have my API and I had more than 20 reviews before the cutoff date so that means I have the paid version for free, right?

    People are asking what the difference is and I really don't know. TV was automatically marking HITS approved until a couple of days ago. Is there someplace that shows what the paid version does compared to the free? I'm in a Facebook Turkers group and we have lots of newbies asking questions about it and I'd like to be able to answer their questions.
  16. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Yupp you do :)
    What they see in MTS now is the upgraded/paid version, its just free while we transition all the back end systems over, make sure its stable & functioning properly, give people time to play with it & see if they like it, etc etc.

    Return Reviews are the only basic free feature that folks should expect to remain available after their 30 day trial is up :)

    The API page goes into fairly good detail about everything, but if you throw me any specific questions from your FB group I'd be happy to answer them :)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. SoonerChris

    SoonerChris Survey Slinger

    @ChrisTurk getting this on my second computer. What needs to be done?

    Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at 11.19.56 AM.png
  18. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 2
  19. ZK594

    ZK594 New Turker

    So, for someone who does not use TV, this will not affect MTS, right?
  20. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Correct, you can just turn TV off in MTS' Options and you'll be good to go.